Mayor proclaims Poppy Day ahead of Memorial Day weekend

May 25,2023

Mayor William E. Cooper Thursday proclaimed May 26, 2023, as National Poppy Day in the City of Enterprise, as he was surrounded by members of the American Legion Auxiliary.

“The day honors those who have served and died in the name of liberty, freedom and democracy, while also showing support for living veterans, servicemembers and their families,” Cooper said.

Poppies are worn and displayed as a symbolic tribute to fallen and future veterans and service members.  National Poppy Day is observed annually the Friday before Memorial Day.

“A nation at peace must be reminded of the price of war and the debt owed to those who have died in war,” Cooper said. “Wearing a poppy will unite citizens from across the country who decide to show their patriotism.” 

Cooper encouraged all citizen to wear a red poppy Friday to show their support and appreciation.